Clearing and Change
Bronze Tingsha Singing Bells
From € 75,00
In the spirit of celebrating everything as a gift from the Earth we offer our work by way of flexible pricing.
We offer you the ability to tune in what you would like to contribute as an exchange for our offerings.
Give what you genuinely feel, creating a balance between showing your appreciation for our work and and your own financial capacity.
Follow your heart
We trust you will contribute with what feels right for you that cares for us, for you and for the Earth.
Hand crafted Bells to clear, release, purify, uplift and create change
MATERIAL: 2mm Bronze
These potent small bronze tingsha singing bells were crafted in conscious co-creation and joy with the intention to assist with clearing and dissolving density and limiting patterns as they bring light and high frequency – being a change agent
“While crafting them I also became aware that part of clearing is the consciousness of being a witness who recognizes and acknowledges any stuck and traumatized energies and assist them to move on and find their rightful place – allowing more coherence and healing – and at the same time stand up to any abusive energies that refuse to shift with a powerful ‘no’ – creating a strong blast for them to leave and go back to from whence they came where they can change.I also became aware of a space of ‘purification’ where old enslavement patterns of limitation can dissolve” – Gabriella Songbird.
We have introduced flexible pricing to give you choice and freedom to bring your heart to this exchange. Give what you genuinely feel, creating a balance between showing your appreciation for our work and these beautiful bells and your own financial capacity.
See more above ‘about this exchange’