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The large Tubular Bell Project

Can you imagine resounding our earth with the sound frequencies of pure love, wholeness, co-creation, peace, joy, co-operation, wellbeing, togetherness, thrival?

The large Tubular Bell Project
The large Tubular Bell Project

Imagine a web of large tubular bells hanging and ringing in key places all over the planet – emanating and sounding vibrations of coherence, beauty, wellbeing and peace to uplift the local and global field into a greater level of harmony and contributive interconnectedness.

The vision was received many years ago when Resounding Earth as an impulse was born and has been carried by us quietly and consistently until its time had come.

And it’s time has come!!

What is a tubular bell?

A tubular bell can be a bridge between heaven and Earth, creating a column of sound and vibrational energy that connects, transports, transmutes and ripples into the Earth and the Cosmos.

Some indigenous cultures speak of the hollow bone or reed that lets spirit move through….The tubular bell can be a facilitator of this quality of being.

We perceive them to be able to be like acupuncture needles in the landscape, house or garden.

Why hammering?



Tubular bells start as mashine made tubes that in this process of creation receive the fire to soften ‘anneal’ and in the hammering process each hammerstroke brings into the metal an energy, prayer, intention, quality, that increases the surface of the tube.
Imagine each hammer stroke vitalising the metal, increasing its energy and allowing the pipe to emanate more than the physical sound.
As we hammer spiraling around the tube from one end to the other its like a vitalising vortex streams around the pipe – different sections reflecting different processes for those who are involved.
So it becomes a journey of co-creation with metal, hammer, elements and each other.

Peace bell co-creation in Community

The newest and so far largest of the tubular bells has been created in Southern Portugal:

The Peace Research community and Healing Biotope of Tamera – Southern Protugal invited and called for the second of the large Tubular bells as a bell for Peace.

Over two years a core group from Tamera prepared with the Resounding Earth team and the core team of the Tubular bell project to bring this community action into being.

In March 2024 a team of 18 Makers – from Tamera as well as from the local neighbours, friends worked together for 2 weeks within the larger community to create an instrument for inner and outer peace


Find out more about the Tamera Peace bell


Peace bell co-creation in Community

gallery creating the big bell

A Community Forging Process . . .

This vision of the web of large tubular bells and high frequency sounding instruments across the planet has brought a community of makers together around the idea.

The effect of striving towards the birthing of coherent sounding instruments that contribute more harmony and peace to the world seems to be facilitating coherent community processes. Working organically and co-operatively we have become strong in sharing responsibilities, hosting, initiatives, organising and sharing so that no one individual carried the bulk of work.

It was the collaborative forging of this very large, thick, brass singing bowl that has forged us into a community of makers and friends, who together are carrying the vision and implementation of creating the web of interconnected sound acupuncture needle across the planet.

We, as makers and friends, are being forged by the process of forging sound! It’s a wonderful and life enriching encounter for these times!!

The First large Bell – The Witness in Salisbury Cathedral

The first of these large Tubular Bells was called forward and brought into being by Quentin Cowen in 2015.

It hangs and plays as ‘A Witness’’. A witness to place, to space, to time, to the events and silences of these times.

Witness holds no belief or intention.

See more about the creation story of the first large tubular bell, which hangs in Salisbury Cathedral available to be played by anyone who is moved to sound this majestic being.


The First large Bell - The Witness in Salisbury Cathedral

gallery of first big bell creation

Be connected to the web of Tubular Bells across the world

Is there a land or a place that you feel may be calling for a focal point where a bell may resound its wordless gift?

We invite anyone who feels a resonance with being the caller for one of these bells into a particular place to get in touch with us. From there we move into a co-creation space with you and the invitation you sense.

Would you like to have a tubular bell – small or large – in your house, project, garden, community?

These bells  in the picture forged by Annelieke hang in the beautiful Olivegrove of Monte Bem Vindo – one of the bases of the Bee Wisdom Network

There are a number of ways you can contribute to this exciting and expansive vision coming onto the Earth plane.

Be connected to the web of Tubular Bells across the world

Commission your own tubular bell – to join the web

We have opened a door to bring greater possibilities for you to contribute and be included in the project – an worldwide interconnected web of sound frequencies .. .

By purchasing, sponsoring or commissioning a new tubular bell you will be supporting the larger ones to come into being. We see a circle of supporters as an ever expanding resonance field that allows the larger instruments to come into form. Even a smaller bell will connect you to that sound web of coherence and the donation will contribute to the forging of this sound web of peace, coherence and new possibilities.

see below how you can take part or support

Commission your own tubular bell - to join the web

Support the Tubular bell project vision

If you’d like to be a supporter of the Tubular Bell Project vision you are invited to take part by:

– Coming to make a tubular bell that becomes part of the web in one of our workshops

– Commissioning a tubular bell – an instrument that lives with you or rings in support of another project, garden, or for wherever you sense it is called to be . . . just ask us!

– Making a donation towards a large instrument and receive a smaller tubular bell that connects you to the web and the ongoing project formation.

For a donation of

  • €100 -150  you can receive a small to medium copper tubular bell. (30 – 50cm in length 2.8cm diameter)
  • €160- 250 you can receive a medium large copper tubular bell: (51 – 70cm length)or a small to medium brass tubular bell (35 – 55cm length 2.9cm diameter)
  • €260 – 350 euros you can receive a medium brass tubular bell (56 -65cm length , 2.9cm diameter)
  • € 310-350 brass tubular bell ( 66-75cm length, 2.9cm diameter)
  • € 360-400 brass tubular bell ( 76-85cm length, 2.9cm diameter)
  • For larger donations you can receive larger tubular bells. Please get in touch by email for custom made instruments.
  • or you can simply donate towards the creation of the peace bells and pay it forward.

Making your own tubular bell – join one of our workshops

Please get in touch, we would love you to receive a bell and become part of this co-creation of the web of coherence.

Audio 1 Audio 1

Tubular bells snippet

“Tubular bells snippet” from Excerpt from ‘The journey towars stabilized coherence’ by Gabriella and Heather .

a couple of sound tracks that include some of the smaller instruments playing together. …

Audio 2 Audio 2

Excerpt of Tubular Bells playing at Monte da Paz

“Excerpt of Tubular Bells playing at Monte da Paz” from Tubular Bells by Gabriella and Heather.

What lives within this impulse of forging sound?

a short video that touches into the essence of our work of forging sound . ..and some glimpses of the team developing skills of forging together.

Resounding Earth