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THE FORGE Introduction

The Alchemical Forge

The Hub and Creation Space of
High Frequency Hand Crafted Sound Instruments and Alchemy



Welcome to the studio of Sound Alchemy

The alchemical forge is a place of creation, transformation and co-creation with metal and fire.
High quality sound Instruments – metal singing bowls, bells, gongs & chimes – are hand crafted in conscious co-creation with all the elements of nature. They are carriers of tones and frequencies of great purity, beauty and power. We work with copper, brass, bronze and precious metals . Each instrument is birthed as an embodiment of a new unique range of frequencies responding to what is invited as qualities by a person, place or time. There are a number of ways you can participate and engage, experience and be with the forge.


  • On our You Tube channel you can meet various stages of the alchemical creation process and receive the sounds and energetic processes

  • You can embark on a powerfully transformational healing creation journey through commissioning a custom made instrument,

  • You can find bowls and bells in our online shop

  • You can forge your own alchemical instrument on one of our ‘Craft your own Singing bowl’ workshop retreats. Meeting matter in this way changes you and it. Together, new possibilities through sound frequencies are brought into form and being. Treat yourself to a unique experience.

  • You can join our Sound Community of Makers and Sound Weavers by participating in our online or in person events


The Forge: Working with the Alchemy of fire , metal , transformation and conscious co-creation,

Having studied with a Master Coppersmith and instrument maker for seven years Gabriella was inspired and encouraged to set up a forge workshop to craft instruments that carry vibrations to resound the Earth and invite thriving Future.

As the Makers we invite the new frequencies and vibrations that are able to create a raise in consciousness, awaken humans to their interconnectedness with all of life and remember their true potency and potential or allow an opening in the perception and communication between species and worlds…
Each bowl, bell, instrument is unique and carries a unique vibrational field woven through its creation journey with fire, hammer, nature and consciousness. With each firing – and some bowls receive many fires – there is the opportunity for release, shedding, transformation and invitation of something new and different even beyond our own knowing or perceiving. Thus we literally can invite vibrations from and for the Future.
Most of our sound instruments are created from copper and copper alloys; copper with tin = bronze and copper with zinc = brass. Copper is a beautifully receptive metal that receives, transmits and communicates energy and vibration
Copper, tin and zinc come from the bones of the Earth. As we connect with it through fire and hammer it transforms from a piece of metal into a resounding vibrating being that carries and anchors the qualities and tones of a Resounding Earth. Each hammer-stroke is an active engagement, an invitation for the metal to receive a new impulse and quality.

Many of the ancient tibetan and nepalese bowls were created for these times now to assist us and remind us of who we truly are!
And from here we want to create a Future we would love to live in as a thriving culture in co-creation with Earth, Nature and the Universe. This is what inspires the work of the alchemical forge.


The Forge : Working with the Alchemy of fire , metal , transformation and conscious co-creation,

Each person who has come to forge a singingbowl has contributed to the wealth of new vibrations available in the field now and each person who has commissioned a bowl from afar has created a new vibrational field of possibility for themselves and the whole – having gone through a powerful process of transformation.

Resounding Earth