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Resounding Earth

A Living Hub of Sound Alchemy and Co-creation

Resounding Earth is a collaboration and co-creation for the crafting and creating of sound that leads to a wealth of continually expanding possibilities for living with greater awareness and co-creation with others, Nature and Earth.

In the practice of Co-creation all forces of Nature and the Universe are continually contributing to what is being created / engaged with in synchronistic alignments.That which is unseen becomes more seen so that more of the liminal can be spoken to and brought into form.

Upcoming Workshops

24 January
Meet and work with the elements of Nature through the alchemy of a coppersmithing and forging process.

Forging … Close to the Earth

Forging … Close to the Earth

A five day singing bowl forging workshop in co-creation

We invite you to join us for a five day / four night land based sound forging workshop in the region we have adopted as our home base – the Serra da Estrela mountains in the north central region of Portugal.

April 27 – May 1

More information coming soon.


Here are what people have said about our work


Yorkshire, energy healer
I have been on a powerful journey through sound with Gabriella having booked 3 sessions with her over 7 weeks. My last session felt like the culmination of this pilgrimage to my highest vibrational self. I shall cherish the recording of it to anchor its gifts further and integrate the ripples of this magical healing. Gabriella is a master at her craft and a clear channel of Divine Love. Deep bow of gratitude to the Universe for making this extraordinary experience possible

J.C. writer

consultant NY (session was to increase habits of health & wellbeing)
The sound weaving is very powerful. I have more energy, am drawn to healthy foods and no longer have the craving to go to desserts after dinner. I woke this morning knowing that the first thing I wanted to do was listen to the soundweaving… It feels like a great yet subtle shift is occurring.


Wales, Mum
There’s been a big shift since our session last week I’ve had two really incredible offers of work.

    Resounding Earth