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The Hub and Creation Space of High Frequency Hand Crafted Sound Instruments and Alchemy

The Alchemical Forge

The Alchemical Forge

Welcome to the Studio of Sound Alchemy

The alchemical forge is a place of creation, transformation and co-creation with metal and fire.

High quality sound Instruments – metal singing bowls, bells, gongs & chimes – are hand crafted in conscious co-creation with all the elements of nature. They are carriers of tones and frequencies of great purity, beauty and power. We work with copper, brass, bronze and precious metals .

Each instrument is birthed as an embodiment of a new unique range of frequencies responding to what is invited as qualities by a person, place or time.

There are a number of ways you can participate and engage, experience and be with the forge.

Forge Your Own Singingbowl

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make your own healing tool?

A sounding instrument that carries a sound frequency of depth and beauty, crafted by your own hands and heart filled desires.

You can forge your own alchemical instrument on one of our ‘Craft your own Singing bowl’ workshop retreats. Meeting matter in this way changes you and it. Together, new possibilities through sound frequencies are brought into form and being. Treat yourself to a unique experience


Forge Your Own Singingbowl

Custom Made Instruments

You can embark on a powerfully transformational healing creation journey through commissioning a custom made instrument.
Receive a hand-forged instrument, Singing Bowl, Tingsha Bells, Gong or Tubular Bell made to your own specifications in a unique journey of alchemical co-creation with you and the elements of nature

Custom Made Instruments


Find High Frequency hand forged Tingsha Singing Bells and Bowls in our online shop

Large Tubular Bell Project


Large Tubular Bells – hanging in key places all over the globe – like beacons emanating a vibration that uplifts and creates greater coherence and harmony in the planetary field.
Supported by and amplifying the effect of all the smaller individual singingbowls and bells crafted to contribute to a greater coherent field on the planet – which ultimately facilitates true peace.

This is where one of them lives – freely available to be played by whoever feels moved Salisbury Catherdral Witness Bell

Large Tubular Bell Project

Video Channels

On our You Tube and Vimeo channels you can meet various stages of the alchemical creation process and receive the sounds and energetic processes.

Radio Interviews

Listen to an excerpt from an interview with Gabriella and Heather speaking about the process of crafting a singing bowl. 

Listen to the full conversation here >

We also create bespoke workshops. These are geared towards groups who are working in or with a specific project eg a group of yoga practitioners, those who are training in hospice work. This work is small group oriented and can provide immeasurable growth and expansion in all areas of family, group or community work, through the shared experience of conscious transformation assisted and facilitated through soundcraft.

Radio Interviews

The alchemical journey of making of a singing bowl

Making a bowl is an adventure I become deeply immersed in. The fire is crackling, the flames licking around the golden disc – a round piece of brass destined to become a singing bowl. It had been carefully chosen, cut out of a larger plate and filed into a smooth precise circle to get to this stage of being in its first fire, where it leaves its past behind and begins its new destiny as a singing bowl.

I close my eyes listening to the fire and think of the person who has asked me to craft this bowl. For the purpose of this writing I will call her V. I feel joy, I see cherry blossoms and flowers. It’s spring in my inner vision while on the outside high summer is surrounding me. An uplifting energy. The golden disc in the fire changes colour, many colours – absorbing the rainbow before it glows and I take it out to cool down.

It’s blackened now and I need to clean it before I start the process of hammering. Ash, air, water, acid all play their part in the early life of this singing bowl. Before I start hammering I connect with V in prayer that it may serve her highest good and evolution in the frequency it brings through… READ ON

The alchemical journey of making of a singing bowl

What People experience

Julia Smith on custom bowl journey

MD Seattle
Gabriella’s process of custom-crafting bowls and bells is a form of soul-tending. Beginning with our initial interview, she listened and tuned in to what was moving in me and in my life, helping me to discern what role the bowl could have in support of my own emergence. Carrying that deep intention with her into the forging of the bowl, Gabriella worked with the subtle energies of both the subject (me) and the object (the bowl) with astonishing sensitivity and intuition. She is an inspired and dedicated artisan whose true gift is to bring bowl and soul into sacred resonance.

Sharon Fallon Shreve – Custom Bowl Journey

Wow, such an amazing process! I closed my eyes as I listened to the recording of the process you sent and found my Self nearly in a meditative state…. it felt as though I was right there with you and the bowl going thru the entire process together. The experience was deep, I felt completely submerged, yet fully present in the co-creation of my bowl.I am struck by your documentation of this process and your tender loving care.I am beyond delighted and excited!!!
Bowl Workshop

Bowl Workshop

Louise Carpenter
These workshops are about so much more than making a singing bowl. The bowl making process is held in a vibrational field which encourages self-reflection leading to self-knowledge and insight, recognition and potential release of blockages to the free flow of energy whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual: Gabriella and Heather are always there to facilitate these healing and clearing times.

Tobias Kaye

The possibility of making your own healing instrument is rare. The experience of forging with your own hands is transformational in itself. The instruments that result are exceptional. Book this course, bring your soul-spirit into your hands.

    Resounding Earth