Sound Space
Just pause . . .
A Sound Space . . .
for being with and receiving from some of the recent currents and sound fields crafted in co-creation with Nature. . .

To assist transmutation of disturbing and disruptive energies
This living Sound Field may assist anyone moving through an accumulation of energies that are lost, confused, in transition and needing release from a trauma field.
The Wand itself – 12 minutes – was an aspect of a live Sound Weaving co-created in Oran’s chapel on the Isle of Iona in October 2024.
The sounds came forward from our open hearted request to the Nature Beings to bring forward frequencies that can actively assist and bring coherence when we are faced with weather extremes and all of the turmoil, trauma, confusion and loss that occurs. We asked that the elemental beings are fully honoured and met in their tasks through natural means at a time when they are being ‘used’ and subjected to what may be hugely disruptive, engineered technologies.
May this Sound Wand come to assist you and any others as we continue to move through and contribute to these phenomenally strong and often turbulent times.
From Iona, with Love
There were some in the chapel with us that evening who sensed that we were weaving a field that brought through new creative energies and openings for the times ahead. A sense that deep healing and a profound encounter with the true energies of peace occurred.

Transmutation Portal – Iona 2024
Equine Communion – deep healing space
In Communion … with a vast healing field from a herd of horses
We were on our way to see the horses we were temporarily responsible for – a herd of 8 elderly horses and ponies living out their lives on a beautiful 28ha re-gen property in Southern Portugal. On this day something was different. Instead of being spread out and on the move while grazing, the horses were all gathered together.
From a short distance we were dropped into the awareness of a gentle presence within ourselves as we came to a stop upon seeing the whole herd gathered. One mighty cork oak was the central torroidal anchor or shelter for an utterly vital and deeply quiet life force; the immediacy of depth, presence and active peace was palpable. We were with-nessing something akin to a natural temple space where the frequencies of healing were passing through each of them, tree, horses, ponies and the wider living beings in the field as together they were a unified organism, a collective hum of being. It seemed this went way beyond the herd – they were tapped into the field of universal consciousness, completely still and now and then one of them would be releasing stuff . . . it was like a dream like state, a deep communion space ….
For the full story of this beautiful encounter see here
The sound wand was co-created from this experience of deep expansive communion and stillness with the herd and one of the large cork oak trees. Our request was for the sound frequencies to bring a purity through the space of communion, available to you and facilitate you to access more of the Universal current of love.
The first half of this sound wand is very quiet. Allow yourself to drop into the stillness and use good quality headphones for best listening experience.

Equine communion
How to be with a Sound Wand?
There is no ‘right’ way of being with or receiving a Sound Transmission – we are diverse at every level!
These Sound Wands are timeless events / actions / energetic alignments and continue to be of service as healing, cleansing, activating and shifting frequency patterns. Nothing is fixed through the timelines – the sound field is alive and pulsing constantly. Know that you are in an active participation with the many co-creative energies that were with us when we ourselves were weaving.
So sit quietly with yourself in silence just to reconnect with you and bring forward that which you would wish to offer up to the world for transformation or release. This is a focussed request to the elemental beings and Nature’s own intelligence, of which you are a part.
And then just be with, receive and allow the sounds to work with you, they are offered from our own source fields and, with Love.
Through this Sound Space we offer the Sounds freely given.
Come back often and take another Pause. . .
If you would like to make a donation from your own heart of wellbeing feel free to donate.
If you would like to download the Wands as MP3 files it is possible. See below for our current range.
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