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A cirquit breaking energy

From  9,00

About this exchange

If you have the sense that change and a strong reset is needed to persisting destructive habits or patterns….
allow these Sounds to assist. . . . . .  22mins

A Soundwand is a powerful vibrational energetic tool to assist transformation and support healing.

This Soundwand is the recorded as part of a live event in the Hautes Alpes Southern Provence.

It was born out of a really essential Reset – A Circuit Breaking decision that brought us to a direct and strong change of direction.
We found that we had put ourselves in a position that was untenable and the only way to address it was with a strong and clear No. From that No, a clear choice was taken that opened up a strong field of clean up and sort out energies . . . And from there a new clear Yes was able to come forward… Greater stillness and calmness became available to act from spontaneous joy and spaciousness even within chaotic circumstances.

Before you listen hold in mind the situation or pattern you wish to reset and invite the sounds to bring you the shifts and insights required

‘Wow, very potent, very different wand: I received it  as undoing coding embedded in our biological cellular structure to deliberately limit us from accessing our natural human capacities. I also got a strong sense that this is also connected in with the possibility we have now to restructure our cells, particularly our blood, through engaging with/drinking structured water.’ L


We have introduced flexible pricing to give you choice and freedom to bring your heart to this exchange. Give what you genuinely feel, creating a balance between showing your appreciation for our work and this powerful vibrational sonic field and your own financial capacity.See more above ‘about this exchange’

Resounding Earth