What would it be like to resound the Earth with the frequencies of pure love, co-creation, peace, joy, co-operation, wellbeing, togetherness, thrival……?
…Through forging instruments in collaboration with communities, place and nature that carry and invite these qualities through the spirit and alignment with which they have been crafted…
Large Tubular Bells – hanging in key places all over the globe – like beacons emanating a vibration that uplifts and creates greater coherence and harmony. supporting all the smaller individual singingbowl and bells crafted to contribute to a greater coherent field on the planet.
The vision was received many years ago when Resounding Earth as an impulse was born and was carried by us quietly until its time had come.
The first of these big Tubular Bells was called forward by Quentin Cowen in 2015 – co-created in collaboration by a team of 7 makers, who forged the bell over a period of one week in a beautiful woodland setting – and was then hung in Salisbury Cathedral (in the chapel behind the main altar, where it hangs as ‘A Witness’ able to be played and sounded into the vast Cathedral space by anyone who feels moved to sound it.
In recent months and years a core group has formed to support more of the large tubular bells to be able to be made – and a few people and projects / communities have stepped forward asking to be the stewards and co-creators of one of these instruments:
The Peace- community of Tamera is one who has committed to co-create one of the tubular bells – a core group has been collaborating on the preparation for over a year and the co-creation will involve the whole community .
Other Bells have been requested: One in Italy, one in Germany, one in Northern Portugal…. and this is just the beginning!
We would love to invite anyone who feels a resonance with being the Caller for one of these bells into a particular place to get in touch with us.
The group has come up with a beautiful impulse to help raise the funds for the big instruments, by forging small tubular bells that you can purchase – as connectors to the larger instruments – supporting the larger ones to be able to be made.
So if you’d like to be a supporter of the Tubular Bell Project vision you are invited to purchase a smaller tubular bell that connects you to this beautiful web of coherence.
50 cm copper Tubular bell: 80Euros
70 cm copper Tubular bell. 100 Euros
50cm brass Tubular bell. 150 Euros
70cm brass Tubular bell 200 Euros