Forge a Singing Bowl – Brasil
Meet the Elements of Nature through the Alchemy of Forging Sound
A three day residential workshop to experience the transformative process of forging through crafting a singing bowl.
We will be in the beautiful lands of Sitio Ceu na Terra, Atlantic Forest, Sao Paolo state, Brasil
These three days offer you an immersion into the world of sound from the beautiful perspective of living co-creation. Through our own hand crafted instruments, sound sessions and stories, skilled and sensitive guidance we will take you into a making process that comes to us through a lineage of sound forging as a sacred art – an act that can support life in every way.
To craft your own singing bowl is a rich and expansive experience of immersion into an ancient process of forging, working closely with the elements and the tools whilst bringing a new consciousness to every moment. You will scribe, cut, shape, fire and sink your own small singing bowl, made of copper, brass or bronze.
. . . an invitation to meet the wonder of alchemy as you engage in a truly co-creative process.
At the end of the workshop you will not only have a beautiful, fine frequency sound companion and ally, you will have gone through an embodied experience of personal and alchemical change yourself.
Sitio Ceu na Terra, Nazare Paulista, Sao Paolo
Nazare Paulista, Sao Paolo, Brasil
Ana Vidal
The Beauty of a Co-Creative Process . . .
Please note that this is not a blacksmithing process but a ‘softer’ engagement with metal and fire through copper smithing techniques developed over many years and honed to a fine level of expertise.
The instruments, singing bowls or bells are finely tuned through the process itself – one that invites both you, the maker, and the metal instrument to become a harmonic and coherent being.
Working together with the fire, the tools and the metal, you forge a relationship as you bring forward your own beautiful sound frequencies . . . an instrument that may not only support and assist your own life but that of others, from now and for our collective ongoing futures.
A hand crafted singing bowl can be regarded as a legacy or gift for the future. It has the capacity to outlive you and your grandchildren’s grandchildren. . . a sound that is truly crafted for Now and the many generations yet to come.

Financial Exchange
Contribution/Financial Exchange: €300 – 450
Material cost are not included. Metal costs may be from €15 – 35 depending upon chosen metal.
A handcrafted wooden klopper/beater made by Gabriella €6 – 10
We have introduced flexible pricing to give you choice and freedom to bring your heart to this exchange and account for local financial situations.
Please pay what you genuinely feel and are able to, creating a balance between showing your appreciation for our work and your own financial capacity.
If you have an abundant financial situation you may like to pay more. This can assist others to participate who have tighter budgets and the evolution of this work.
Please note that this workshop, at this venue, is limited to no more than 6 people.
It will be our joy to share these days with you!
We would be sad if the price of participation keeps you from being with us.
Please send us an email if you wish for a personal agreement such as a payment plan or similar offer.

Frequently Asked Questions
All the world is sound and vibration – these three days will give you an encounter with metals, with sound, with vibration and with your own dreamings . . .
Encounters with sound through the large range of instruments that we have forged ourselves. experiencing the profound effects of sounding instruments that carry clear frequencies and were forged to assist healing and upliftment for all beings, in support of the changes that are occurring at this time on our Earth.
We will also co-create sound weavings and tell you stories to assist you in attunement and ‘meetings’ with the metals and their differing qualities and properties.
Full instruction and support throughout the technical process of forging including awareness of personal safety and use of tools.
A delicious meal and some simple refreshments are offered each day, made with locally grown ingredients and organic where possible.
We do our best to provide you with a personal experience of the incredible magic and power of co-creation with Nature.
A level of fitness that allows you to use your hands with some dexterity and strength is helpful.
The workshop is suitable for people of all ages from as young as 12 and the older ageless.
Please get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns about the suitability of the work for yourself.
You do not need to have had any experience of crafting metal prior to coming.
We will support you with clear guidance and teaching throughout the different stages of the process. Nor do you need to be a musician or a sound healer to be touched deeply by the gift of forging a singing bowl.
If you are an experienced metal smith or worker let us know – from there we can guide you towards the type and sizes of metal available for you to work with.
Yes. the venue for this workshop is our home base in a small village in the region of Fornos de Algodres, Guarda district.
There are quite a few local accommodations – from AirBnB style to hostels, local friends or hotels in larger towns within 20 minutes drive.
We can guide you or give you the precise location when you book your place.
This workshop is specifically intended for the forging of a singing bowl or bell. (A bowl with a hole).
If you want to forge a gong with us we would always ask that you have made at least two singing bowls with us before approaching the forging of a gong in the style that we work.
Please get in touch if you’d like to know more.
Yes by all means. We can set up an arrangement with you.
Please get in touch to see what works for us both.
Of course! You can email us at [email protected]

Bowl Workshop
These workshops are about so much more than making a singing bowl. The bowl making process is held in a vibrational field which encourages self-reflection leading to self-knowledge and insight, recognition and potential release of blockages to the free flow of energy whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual: Gabriella and Heather are always there to facilitate these healing and clearing times.
J.C. writer
The sound weaving is very powerful. I have more energy, am drawn to healthy foods and no longer have the craving to go to desserts after dinner. I woke this morning knowing that the first thing I wanted to do was listen to the soundweaving… It feels like a great yet subtle shift is occurring.

recommendation from another maker/soundsmith
I highly recommend doing a workshop with these two, it’s a beautiful, magical journey!
small bowl acknowledgment after three day non-residential
We are enjoying so much our baby singing bowl. We named it “Raia Dourada” which means “Golden Ray”.