Rainforest Resonance
An Alchemical Singing Bowl Journey in Brazil
Forging your own Singing Bowl – giving birth to your own frequency carrier – within the setting of the magical Dragon Energy Centre at the edge of the Atlantic Rainforest, in co-creation with all the elements of Nature, is a unique experience that can be life changing, life enhancing, deeply transformational and regenerative to your whole being.
These are days that offer a genuine reboot as you come into greater alignment and resonance with yourself and your relationship with the natural world.
Are you ready for a deeply restorative, enlivening, life changing six days and nights at Sitio Céu na Terra – Heaven on Earth to forge your own sound instrument?
What are the elements? Sound, beauty, nature, wonder, envisioning, shedding, openings and co-creation with elemental fire, metal, and the invitation for joyful engagement with more of life.
Sitio Céu na Terra
Nazaré Paulista,12.960-000, Sao Paolo
Our Invitation to You
This retreat is an invitation that will enable some shifts and openings that become embodied, tonally and spiritually grounded through your body and your instrument.
absolutely life changing retreat – 4 day residential
Hi there, Gabriella and Heather! I just wanted to thank you for the absolutely life changing event that I have have just taken apart in From my first initial enquiry, I was met with compassion, open heartedness and patience which gave me the courage to commit to what has ended up being one of the most transformative and nourishing experiences of my whole life. I didn’t realize how empty I was until I was full again.
Forging Alchemies
These are days of immersion into a process with sound, metal, the elements and nature from the beautiful perspective of co-creation. In every way the land and the many beings and energies of Heaven on Earth will be your co-creators and friends.
After your arrival on the Monday you will have some sweet integration days of being with the rainforest, the land, waterfalls and the beings of the land as you come towards what is asking to be birthed through you at this time in your life.
With Nature as your co-creative partner you are brought towards a reinvention of your life in wondrous and sometimes surprising ways!
You are both forging and being forged – it’s a two way movement!
This is a joyfully embodied experience of crafting and co-creation that can be applied to every aspect of your life. Working in the way we do allows the generous ‘being’ of copper to come forward, take you by the hand and guide you through a fabulous process of bringing material to life.
What emerges is unique to you – a beautiful brass singing bowl that will bring a new range of sound frequencies into the world.
Both you and the instrument you birth will be filled with the vibrational medicine of the energies of the land and your own invitation towards our futures.
Please note that there are no special skills or previous experience required to forge your bowl. You will be guided and supported to gain confidence at every stage throughout the process. If you have any doubts or concerns don’t hesitate to ask us.
This is a remarkable journey of aliveness and transformation.
What might you expect to forge over these days?
Here’s an example of a brass singing bowl that was forged by Gabriella – a beautiful and pure tone that continues to resound after one single kiss or strike of the wand . . .
A Sound Companion that has the potential to outlast your life and that of your children – a legacy and a gift for both the now and the future.
The wonders of this place and time will be many . . .
The region we will be in brings us an abundance of energies that want to contribute to you in your journey of coming into resonance and weave together your journey.
Walks and visits to nearby Waterfalls
Ozone Pool open 24 hours
Forest Bathing
The Path of the Unicorns
Cacao Ceremony to celebrate the week
An optional extra may be offered to visit with the Psychic Surgeon
and, did we say Dragons and their Essences and Energies that will support us in Conscious Co-Creation?
Throughout these days there will be opportunities to learn about the potent tools that Ana and Anto have developed as the basis of their potent and generative work of energetic support and guidance through the amazing Dragon Coaching tools.
This particular timeline carries its own power and field as well – did you notice the dates? This, we feel is a miraculous and powerful window of time that is this cosmic alignment with transforming light energies and spirit.
Over these days you will each be shaped and assisted through having the potent energetic work of the Dragon Energy Centre processes to actively and dynamically assist the balance and fluidity of our shared days.
We honour the energies of time and the way the cosmos brings shifts in rhythms that are part of a natural cycle and this week is one of those powerhouses where we can attune with the energies and know that we will be assisted through that access of release, renew and reconnect with your own source alignment.
We meet the nature beings and elementals of place, of matter, the forest and the waters. . . these are just some of our co-creators and companions for these days and nights in the birthing of your own new you and your singing bowl.
This will be our the first ever Alchemistic Nature Forging retreat in Brazil and we are beyond excited to know what golden instruments will be birthed to allow the many energies of this land to pour their gifts into the Earth Grid at this powerful momentous time.
Together we will open new bridges and pathways as we forge sound in attunement with Nature, calling in the most benevolent vibrations of our collective futures.
The Co-Create Team
We are Gabriella and Heather, the Team from Resounding Earth and your hosts, at The Dragon Energy Centre, Anto and Ana.
Together we share an awakened field of energies and a deep commitment for healing to be available for all beings. Through our individual gifts and our collaborative work over the past twenty years many have been brought positive shifts and alignments to greater fluidity and movement in the direction of greater health, aliveness in connection with essence, coherence, vitality, with projects and beings, lives and situations.
Over these days we will draw upon a huge range of skills and experience with hosting, facilitation, support, guidance, transpersonal shifts and laughter!
For each of us it’s a joy to have be together to co-facilitate these days of personal and planetary transformation. We celebrate our ability to work together in lightness through innate listening, awareness, tracking, tending and opening to what allows greater coherence and wellbeing for all.

The Venue – Sitio Céu na Terra / Heaven on Earth
Céu na Terra – a paradise situated at the end of an unpaved road at the edge of the rainforest, one of those rare places that has been blessed by the care and guidance of two women completely honouring their souls’ truth and listen to the assisting energies of Nature.
Here’s a little about the Dragon Energy Centre itself and the impulse behind it’s creation. This is a relaxed and beauty rich place that brings together energy work through a range of modalities and processes – underpinning and overlighting everything is to bring out the gifts of each person and being towards the co-creation of a happier and healthier Planet.
You will be in great company in a land that knows the incandescently beautiful field of life that includes many other realms. Here, at this beautiful ‘Sitio’, is a home where the unicorns and faeries, elves, gnomes, centaurs and many other beings of the lesser seen realms have a home and are included in the every day magical world of life being lived in co-creation with all beings.
Environment and Climate
Early Autumn in the Atlantic Rainforest . . .
Anticipate the warmth of the soft tropics with the lightness of autumn. The wet season has historically passed by April and the days will be warm enough to swim in the Ozone pool by day and wear an extra layer at night as we lie, sit, sing, sound, dance, share silence and stories under the eternal and dark star filled skies . . .
This is an elementally alive place and so we have no doubt every aspect will want to play with you while we are together. To anticipate a tropical storm or a string of rainbows saying “I Love You” would not be far from the range of possibilities.
What we know and sense from what the land is saying is that
The lodgings are based on shared accommodation in twin rooms in a generous building dedicated to you and your wellbeing. From here you will hear the night sounds of the forest and possibly sight a hummingbird coming to sip nectar on the verandah. It is a very welcoming, comfortable and beautiful environment that allows you to feel completely at home.
See the full site here for pictures and descriptions of your accommodation.

The region and the season are optimum for local produce so anticipate delicious meals freshly prepared by food magicians and with joy!
There will be both vegetarian and vegan options available.
Please let us know well in advance if you have specific dietary needs and we will liaise with you.

The Full Cost for all Six Days and Nights
This amount includes meals, refreshments, shared accommodations, full tuition, use of tools and support through forging and personal shifts, local transport to nearby nature excursions.
What’s not included?
For single room accommodation, if available, there will be a supplement. Please ask when booking.
The cost of the metal for your singing bowl. Usually between $20 – 50 depending on size of brass chosen.
Transfers from Guarulhos Airport to Nazaré Paulista can be arranged for you – estimate $50 each way.
If you strongly feel the call to be a part of these very special days but your financial situation prevents you from deciding consider making contact with us anyway.
Payments by instalments can be set up on an individual basis. Please ask upon booking. For payment details see below.

recommendation from a five day bowl and bell residential
Beautiful instruments, beautiful people and I can’t recommend the workshops enough, such a therapeutic thing to do, and a lovely sound instrument at the end of it.

Residential Workshop Germany
Once more thank you so much for the unforgettable, inspiring days in Bollschweil. They were life changing.

Workshop – three day residential
. . . the beautiful bowl making workshop last August Thank you both for your generosity of spirit, deep insight and for creating such an unusual and inspiring way of connecting creativity, sound, soul, healing, and unifying hearts. It really was a lovely experience and we use the little singing bowl all the time.

recommendation from another maker/soundsmith
I highly recommend doing a workshop with these two, it’s a beautiful, magical journey!
Sound Weaving
Gabriella and Heather use their musical and sound senses and capabilities to co-create this magical space where transformations occur, in both subtle and immediately apparent ways
Tobias Kaye
The possibility of making your own healing instrument is rare. The experience of forging with your own hands is transformational in itself. The instruments that result are exceptional. Book this course, bring your soul-spirit into your hands.
Book Your Place
For more information and to secure your place for this very unique and joyful experience make contact with us,
Heather and Gabriella at
or with Paula at
We honestly cannot wait to be there with you!