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Events Terms and Conditions

  1. RESOUNDING EARTH operates a no drugs policy.
  2. In all classes, demonstrations and excursions conducted by Resounding Earth reasonable care is taken to prevent serious injury and to minimize accidents.
  3. The PARTICIPANT states that he/she is fully aware that crafting with metal, that includes working with fire and sharp tools, is an awareness and training in presence that even under the safest conditions possible, may have accordant risks associated with it. The PARTICIPANT hereby agrees to accept full responsibility and assume all risks, including those caused by acts of God, of injury, death, and/or loss to his/her person and/or property knowingly and voluntarily.
  4. The PARTICIPANT agrees to observe the instructions and guidelines that Resounding Earth puts in to effect to minimize these risks. The participant also agrees to attend with an active agreement to ‘take care and be aware’ of themselves, the tools that are supplied and the environment in which the workshop is taking place.
  5. RESOUNDING EARTH reserves the right to remove any PARTICIPANT from a course, at Resounding Earth’s discretion, if the PARTICIPANT’S conduct is abusive or inappropriate.
  6. The PARTICIPANT knowingly, voluntarily and irrevocably waives any and all past, present and/or future claims, demands and causes of action which the PARTICIPANT now has or may have in the future against all officers, employees, agents, instructors, assistant instructors, and/or other participants while on the premises of Resounding Earth or premises hired to Resounding Earth for the purposes of instruction, for any and all past, present, and / or future injuries, death, loss, including those caused by acts of God, received while participating in activities conducted by Resounding Earth, as a student, participant, spectator, and/ or visitor, or in any other manner or form, taking part in the exercises, practices, excursions, and/or demonstrations of said Forging, Sound Alchemy, and Sound Weaving training.
  7. The PARTICIPANT certifies that she/he is physically capable to participate in the said instruction and training, and has declared any physical challenges that may impede the undertaking of crafting a singing bowl, bell or gong, travelling with ease or other associated mild risks inherent in such an undertaking.Resounding Earth reserves the right to alter dates of courses if this becomes necessary and will endeavor to inform relevant parties as soon as practicable.
  8. In the unlikely event of this event being cancelled we will refund all moneys deposited.Please note that if you the participant, cancel your place within four weeks of the workshop date, you will incur a charge of 50% of the course fee. Cancellation within two weeks prior to the course will incur a charge of 100% of the course fee.
  9. The PARTICIPANT is aware that cancellation by the PARTICIPANT, for any reason, will incur the forfeit of the deposit.
  10. We respectfully ask that you take care of your own travel and medical insurance requirements and, during class, we ask that you take full responsibility for your well-being.
  11. The PARTICIPANT accepts that the balance of all fees must be paid 4 weeks prior to the appropriate course commencement date. Bookings made with in this period must be accompanied by payment in full, unless otherwise agreed by Resounding Earth in writing.
  12. The PARTICIPANT is aware that cancellation by the PARTICIPANT, will incur the forfeit of the deposit.
  13. Cancellation after 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the course will incur a charge of 50% of the course fee. Cancellation after 1 week prior to the course will incur a charge of 100% of the course fee.
  14. These conditions are subject to English law.
Resounding Earth