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Birthing Sounds: a co-creative weaving

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Birthing Sounds: a co-creative weaving
Birthing Sounds: a co-creative weaving

A beautiful brass singing bowl, hammered and forged with the kind of presence and willingness that was able to give birth to different and new possibilities.
That’s the bowl you see above – a bowl that has been re-crafted this year – from one that has worked hard for three years as a healing bowl.  Siddantha has assisted many through deep processes of letting go and witnessed some immense clearing and transformations.
Powerful and in some ways costly.
Like the maker herself, the bowl was ready to retire, ready to give up a way of working hard. In so doing the bowl and maker demanded to be re-fired, re-hammered, re-newed, re-leased from service oriented purpose that included suffering and given a whole new life filled with nameless and multitudinous new possibilities. It takes a certain readiness and open – hearted willingness to say yes to change and it’s always a choice.

She was ready to let it all Go.
Knowing that what was on offer was nothing less than everything she crafted a bowl of openness, of kindness… of  generosity and youthfulness that seems to call directly to a deep femine voice of the earth herself. Through the days of bowl making she came into a wholly new way of living and generating her innate beauty with others as though a dance of creation.

Through a stream of wordsmithing that speaks of her co-creative weave you may sense more of what it is to work with the elements …

Weaving in
Weaving Out
Meeting all of me in this metal
Fire Purifying,
Lighting me up,
Weaving a flame



Filing the edges, taking the edges … softening what is brittle in me

opening to that softness
Fire again,
letting go…

Hammering. My Rhythm,
My Source.
Retrieving my respect,
my tears,
my joy
Hammering the sounds of others, the support of others, their rhythm and mine match as we weave ourselves, their stuff, my stuff, one.

Softening, sun, rain, wind, laughter, song, coffee
sound, sound, sound
The big bowls listening from inside, supporting, encouraging, calling the new beings…inviting,

Go deeper, take back yourself,
Go deeper.

Chatting bowls
Midwives within and without, supporting, holding, nurturing, empowering each
as we co create a bowl,
that would sing,
my song, our song, the song for myself, for others,

for our planet,


from the re-making of Siddantha – birthing anew and also the hammering of The Reed – a hollow (singing) bone of creation.

Marie Evans, Eire 2017


Resounding Earth