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Singing Bowl Forging Workshop

Forge your own singing bowl in the alchemical forge

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to make your own healing tool?

A sounding instrument that carries a sound frequency of depth and beauty, crafted by your own hands and heart filled desires.

“The possibility of making your own healing instrument is rare.The experience of forging with your own hands is transformational in itself. The instruments that result are exceptional. Book this course, bring your soul-spirit into your hands.”

Tobias Kaye, Director of Sounding Bowls – Tuning the Circle

The Quote

Come and take part in an immersive workshop for birthing sound frequencies through the co-creative encounter in the transformation of material

These days will offer you an immersion into the world of sound from the beautiful perspective of living co-creation. Through introducing our own hand crafted instruments, sound sessions and stories, skilled and sensitive guidance we will take you into a making process that comes to us through a lineage of sound forging as a sacred art – an act that can support life in every way.

The Singing Bowl Making Workshop is a direct encounter with metal, fire, water, earth and air. Each of these elements come together to bring you to an experience of transforming material to bring forth an instrument that has the potential to shape you as much as you shape it.


To craft your own singing bowl is a fun and rich experience of immersion into an ancient process of forging, working closely with the elements and the tools whilst bringing a new consciousness to every moment.

You will scribe, cut, shape, fire and sink your own small singing bowl, made of copper, brass or bronze.

At the end of the workshop you will not only a have a beautiful, fine frequency sound companion and ally, you will have gone through an embodied experience of personal and alchemical change yourself.

A hand crafted calling card towards the creation of the future. . .


An invitation to meet the wonder of alchemy as you engage in a truly co-creative process.

Please note that this is not a blacksmithing process but a ‘softer’ engagement with metal and fire through copper-smithing techniques developed over many years and honed to a fine level of expertise.

The instruments, singing bowls or bells are finely tuned through the process itself – one that invites both you, the maker, and the metal instrument to become a harmonic and coherent being.

Working together with the fire, the tools and the metal, together you forge a relationship as you bring forward your own beautiful sound frequencies  through an instrument that may not only support and assist your own life but that of others, from now and for our collective ongoing futures.


Throughout the workshop we will co-create and hold a focused space in order to bring forth your instrument.

This act of bringing consciousness to how we perceive and experience sound, and our developing sensitivity to resonance, will underpin all that we do.

Become the transformer and the transformed

  • Testimonial Bowl workshop

    I am full of gratitude, I was participating the course , meeting you both – heartful women, you touched my heart…….🙂 ……the small bowl rings in “golden” sound opening ( or reminding me) the space for the Oneness within all life.
  • Workshop – three day residential

    Workshop – three day residential

    T J B
    . . . the beautiful bowl making workshop last August Thank you both for your generosity of spirit, deep insight and for creating such an unusual and inspiring way of connecting creativity, sound, soul, healing, and unifying hearts. It really was a lovely experience and we use the little singing bowl all the time.
  • Bowl Workshop

    Bowl Workshop

    Louise Carpenter
    These workshops are about so much more than making a singing bowl. The bowl making process is held in a vibrational field which encourages self-reflection leading to self-knowledge and insight, recognition and potential release of blockages to the free flow of energy whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual: Gabriella and Heather are always there to facilitate these healing and clearing times.
  • appreciation for a bowl crafted in a three day workshop in Wales

    Erna -Wales, 2022
    I absolutely love my singing bowl and use it every day before sleep on my body. It gives me a feeling of calm, especially recently as life seems to get more taxing in all sorts of ways. It even travels with me! I also believe that frequency healing is the healing of the future, however it is applied.
  • Appreciation for the workshop and singing bowl following a three day residential

    Appreciation for the workshop and singing bowl following a three day residential

    Jyotima Belmont
    Thank you both for your generosity of spirit, deep insight and for creating such an unusual and inspiring way of connecting creativity, sound, soul, healing, and unifying hearts.  It really was a lovely experience and we use the little singing bowl all the time. 
  • recommendation from a five day bowl and bell residential

    Ted Walker, UK
    Beautiful instruments, beautiful people and I can’t recommend the workshops enough, such a therapeutic thing to do, and a lovely sound instrument at the end of it.
  • Singingbowl forging workshop Germany

    the workshop itself was utterly transforming! The skills you both bring to this arena are magnificent. You allow participants to really connect with each other, the materials, nature and the universe itself. The physical act of creating was complimented perfectly with a true understanding and support for the emotional and spiritual journey simultaneously happening. I have rarely felt this heard and seen and simultaneously aware of my connection to the world we are part of. Breathtaking! The longer I reflect on it, the more miraculous it appears that you did it with such ease and lighthearted joy! You worked flawlessly together to guide me through all the new skills, which were many, with expertise and gentleness making me feel competent and honouring my journey completely. Every step of the process was meticulously crafted to allow us all to experience a fullness of consciousness in our co-creation and really live in the moment. This is an astounding feat in the noisy world we all inhabit and I have rarely felt such peace and unity in the world, given in the spirit of love and joy.
  • small bowl acknowledgment after three day non-residential

    Tiago, Portugal
    We are enjoying so much our baby singing bowl. We named it “Raia Dourada” which means “Golden Ray”.
  • recommendation lucinda walton

    recommendation lucinda walton

    Lucinda Walton, UK
    I highly recommend this wonderful experience with two amazing ladies

    The workshop is suitable for people of all ages from as young as 12 and the older ageless.

    A level of fitness that allows you to use your hands with some dexterity and strength is helpful. Full instructions in the care and use of the tools is provided.

    Please get in touch with us if you have questions or concerns about the suitability of the work for yourself or someone you know.


    Resounding Earth