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Tamera Peace Bell – A Community Co-creation

The second large tubular bell of the Tubular Bell Project

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Tamera Peace Bell – A Community Co-creation
Tamera Peace Bell – A Community Co-creation

What is the Sound of Peace?

The bell was originally called forward by our dear friend and collegue Silvia Belghardt, who wished to bring the work of Resounding Earth and the vision of the world wide web of large tubular bells to her community in Southern Portugal.

When she tragically died – still a young mum – her community stepped in to pick up the vision of calling in a large tubular bell for Peace in honour of Silvia and in support of her guiding legacy.


Over two years a team was built, created and prepared for the task of co-creating this large bell – dreaming it into being.

We located a place – a hilltop within the land of Tamera wit 360 degree views – half of it into the community and the other side facing into the wider world.
This seemed a perfect spot with which we were communing many times with various groups over the years to sense and feel the invitation to this new sound being.

Many powerful insights and visions came forward during this time – including the sense of a hub of many lines moving out an crossing at this place – which would be an incredible place for an acupuncture point from where a sound of peace could emanate into the world.




For a thrilling two weeks a team of 18 Makers came together to set up, create tools and structures and practised working in teams. Bringing together the wider community for certain aspects of the process we came together for large community fires to fire the pipe, gatherings to introduce the vision, invitations to join the hammering team at certain times and small workshops for the children making their own small instruments alongside the large one being created.




On March 19th, 2024, the bell, fondly referred to as We, was completed and hung on the heart-hill of Tamera in its temporary structure – waiting for its more permanent roof structure in another step.

At sunset the community gathered to play the bell for the first time. The sound of the bell is multifaceted:
When you are really close you can hear its very deep tone, which seems to vibrate you directly and create a rumble into the earth like the ultrasound communications of elephants that travel miles through the Earth.

The children that gathered on this first sounding were holding the legs of the tripod structure . . . the vibrations of the instrument were pouring through to the earth surface and their bodies . . . a direct line of communication through the sound waves!

The bell’s middle and higher tones are more for the human ears – a call to peace – and the higher tones can increase and sing depending on how it is played.

To lie directly on the earth near to the base of the bell as it rings brings us a deep sense that we have fallen more acutely into a field of oneness with the Earth . . . a deep wash of relaxation moves through and time and thoughts move through the veils of active listening as we are brought home to a closer relationship with our own hearts and breath – at one with All.



The first sounding . . .

The focus of our work over these two weeks was guided by deeply intuitive listening as a group – to the land, to the elements, to our hearts and to the world past, present and future. Our collective field of intention was nourished by the wish to bring forward and instrument that would Resound with the frequencies that could contribute to Inner and Outer Peace.

It is a day before the March equinox as we gather and we listen now as the Bell that was fondly named WE, is played and sounded by a member of the community from Palestine.

Our collective hearts are joined as we attune to the calling for Peace throughout the world. Our hearts are wide open and we are moved to hear it, feel it and sense the deep vibrational pulse that emanates through to the Earth herself . . .

The sound frequencies are low and are not conveyed fully through this video but we invite you, the listener, to sense the quality and the living resonance of a sound range that can assist us all to meet a quality of Peace – within and without.

Learn more about The Tubular Bell Project of the World Wide Web of Tubular Bells

Resounding Earth