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An Acoustic Wave Of Becoming…

and of Being

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An Acoustic Wave Of Becoming…
An Acoustic Wave Of Becoming…

We have just returned from a truly wonderful six day in Budapest where we went for a three-day Body Process Class

I have a sense that I will continue to experience the gifts of this choice throughout my life.

Aware that there is an inherent danger in using words to express that which is beyond words I shall write from the energy of being that is available in this moment…

I am becoming one with a greater sense of ‘un-holding’…a kind of energetic expansion with all that I am with. It seems that everything is being addressed and dealt with from a new space. Moving ever more lightly through immense outer changes whilst being exquisitely awake or receptive to every moment that requires attention.

We spent our last few hours in Budapest in open winter sun at the delicious outdoor baths Szechenyi… Once chosen everything was possible. Time and space no longer a limitation we moved effortlessly through Metro to park to waters and sun. For only one and a quarter hours I sat, stood and gently swam in the quietly bubbling waters asking my body to have everything she required from that ancient pool of mineral wealth from the earth. . .Sensate deliciousness… and greater communication from body to being…

It followed that our journey homewards through public transport of every kind was effortless and ease filled even upon encountering tremendous detours and delays on the M66 when driving home. A greater ease through everything is the simplest way to describe it.
Less resistance at every level. I cannot be definitive about anything – there is no cause and effect through these energetic tools. They facilitate a greater capacity for us to live from our original language – that of the Energy of Being.

We spent our last few hours in Budapest in open winter sun at the delicious outdoor mineral baths Szechenyi.
For only one and a quarter hours I sat, stood and gently swam in the quietly bubbling waters asking my body to receive what she needed/wanted from that ancient pool of mineral wealth from the earth. Sensate deliciousness… and greater communication from body to being…

Apart from now being able to bring these energetic body processes to others we are both very inspired by how they are allowing more of our lives and work with sound to be integrated more fully with the body. The ‘how’ of that is something that we are constantly in the space of learning and becoming more aware of. Like everything, it is through the willingness to choose it that it begins to show up.

The dance of Creation and Creating is alive with this level of inquiry – it is not always cognitive, it is always happening and it can be highly chaotic within the process of organising itself into something new.

Body will you show me more of your magic please?

And so to the forge we go . . . an encounter with sound in an expanded way

This morning Gabriella played a bowl to me during the forging process…a bowl coming into its most coherent self is one that invites many questions…what is required? More fire? More hammering? If so what kind? Does it require something other than the forge? Is it something from another? The earth? Is there something that I am being asked to do or be that can make the difference here? and so on. It is a living engagement with the metal, the tools, the person who has called the bowl forth, the wider sensing into the being that is in the becoming – the bowl itself and its unique ‘homespace’.

What arose this morning was a new level of receptivity to perceiving sound. Through a sustained and gentle playing of the bowl I stopped seeking an answer to her question – is it done? My body as a sense organ with its own response system started to show me that the bowl was inviting me to something that I Knew but had long forgotten…senses numbed or dulled to this aspect of fine tuning. All words and thoughts dropped away and I became aware of a distant space – one that is always present but unreachable from my trying to reach for it. There, just on the other side of what?

It became clear – like a moment of light shining upon a place not oft seen but always sought. In a flash I recognised that the difference was that I was receiving the sound through my body and not my ears. Yes I could ‘hear’ it but the listening was happening through Gabriella’s engagement with my receiving it. We had, like new lovers, lost ourselves in the exquisite space of presence beyond judgment…a space where there just is that moment. I was aware of my relationship to all things…open to the earth and the minute and grand forces that are continually dancing the same dance.
It is a constant pulse and orgasm of the unknown becoming the known and falling away as we open to receive, gift and engage with each of these moments.

Universe will you show me more of the wonders of creation please?

Here in this place called home, whilst present with a bronze singing bowl, I am face to face with the creation forces of this incredible planet and I am free of my mind…it is sublime and alive and cannot be held onto.

What I know is that I have had experiences like this before – many energetic transmissions and perceptions, transforming experiences that allow me to visit the great depths of sensorial experience. What was different this morning with this utterly beautiful singing bowl is that I did not have to leave my body to fetch the ‘information’ or the ‘download’ from a source outside of myself. My beautiful body, co-creative partner in life and living, was the enabler for what I received and perceived.

This is new for me.

Until this moment I had always ‘thought’ that being in my body during a sensing experience of this kind would be restrictive, create a limitation to my capacity to tune in. Until this morning I had expected that my body would only contribute through the visceral, the physical, the tangible aspects of the senses – touch, smell etc.

What I experienced this morning was new, for me.

My body is capable of bringing me more information than I could have ever imagine with my mind. Just because she is physical – mater – does not mean that she can only perceive the physical realms.

Body will you show me more of your magic please?

Universe will you show me more of the wonders of creation through having a body?

Thank you.


Resounding Earth