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Sep 16 – Sep 17

Two Days of Forging in Sussex, UK

Two Days of Sound Forging and Alchemy

September 16, 2024 
to September 17, 2024
from 09:30 – 17:30 both days

Forging Fires for Building the field of Sound across the Earth!

We are thrilled to be able to offer a couple of special days for experienced makers who have come to know the co-creative process of sound forging.

Be with us to forge a Tubular Bell or another smaller bowl or bell instrument.

garden sussex peace pole

In addition to the Three day Forge your own Singing Bowl Workshop, we are offering two additional days of tubular bell forging or simply forging another smaller instrument.

It may also be that you are called to forge a larger instrument over all five days.


What is a Tubular Bell?

Tubular Bells are powerful individual instruments in their own right, especially so when the are forged in co-creation.

While a singing bowl is a powerful vessel of gifting and receiving, holding and sharing energy, sound and frequency, a tubular bell can be a bridge between heaven and Earth, creating a column of light and sound that connects, transports, transmutes and ripples into the Earth and the Cosmos. Some indigenous cultures speak of becoming a hollow bone or reed to let spirit move through….The tubular bell can be a facilitator and carrier of this quality and resonance . . . a fully resounding bell that rings long and strong into a wide space and field.

We perceive them to be able to be like acupuncture needles in the landscape, instruments that assist with alignment and healing of bodies and create a powerful presence and sound vibrational field wherever they are hung and played. Some are hanging in cathedrals, churches, houses, gardens and forests. We feel the opportunities for these sound beings to contribute to many lives is untapped.

For example we know of some people who are playing their tubular bells directly to the plants in their vegetable garden, assisting communion possibilities with Nature

More about the Resounding Earth large global tubular bell project can be found here.

If you are excited to be able to forge again and co-create a Bell in resonance with this impulse to Resound the Earth, join us for these two extra days in Sussex where we will have a beautiful land to hammer and ring the sound frequencies from as we look out across the Sussex Weald.


The Options

Over five days you will craft your own resonant singing bowl and a tubular bell and will leave with two completed sound instruments.

Alternatively if you have forged a singing bowl before and you would like to use the five days to forge a large bowl, you can ask to do this instead of forging a smaller singing bowl and a tubular bell.

Over two days you will be fully supported in co-creating and forging another instrument – either a Tubular Bell or a smaller hanging bowl/bell to add to your existing sound companions.


Who are these two days of Bell Forging for? 

If you would like to come for the two days we ask that you have forged with us or one of our sound forging companions, for a workshop  previously. This may have been in England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, or Portugal!

  • You feel the call to add some more instruments to your life or are moved to craft a Bell for another person or project.
  • You would like to be in our company and have a top up of the frequencies and energies of a Resounding Earth workshop.
  • You’d like to add to your existing range of instruments. You are working with Sound Healing and developing your own unique range of tonal voices.
  • This two day workshop is for you is you would welcome the opportunity to have two days of deep dive into a supported field where you have assistance and guidance into another level of sound immersion and co-creative crafting.

Whether you have previously made just one small singing bowl or you have already co-created your own orchestra with a large range of instruments, these two days will give you a chance to forge a tubular bell or a smaller singing bowl/bell or tiny bells.

It could also be a chance to have your existing instrument/s receive any refinements or upgrades with the Earth frequency shifts that have been occurring thick and fast over these past months and years. You will be in the companionship of a very sound sensitive field where we have the collective opportunity to allow sound to affect and shape all of our lives.

You’re welcome to get in touch with us if you have some ideas you’d like to discuss.


For your inspiration and reflection here we share a short sound clip from a Sound Wand that was co-created from some of our beautiful tubular bells and tiny bell beings:


We are, as ever, hugely grateful for what this work and joy opens up for us all!

Wadhurst , East Sussex

We are being hosted at a beautiful private residence on the Sussex Downs.

Full details given for participants following registration.

Our Hosts and the Venue

Maya and John Morgan set up their own forge at their home after finding a sense of deep appreciation for working with the metal sounding instruments over the past ten years. It’s because of their dedication to peace and healing and also their generosity and hospitality that we are able to once again be hosted and assisted to bring our work to the UK from where we currently live in Portugal.

Not only are they our hosts but also our UK team , bringing their own finely tunes skills and knowledge to the work we are all committed to. Together we will co-create a couple of special forging days to Resound our Earth with ever more fine frequencies of both sound and community, looking out over the beautiful Sussex Weald.

Over many years they have dedicated their lives and home to building a field of health and wellness that is grounded and solid, forging has become an integral part of their world and they generously share their devotion to peace through sound, music and their company, Helios Homeopathics.

These days will be immersive and dedicated to growing the world community of sound beings that are contributing to the Earth frequencies of Love, Peace and greater Wellbeing for All of Life.

Our Hosts and the Venue

Workshop Detail and Prices

Money Contribution: £320

During these two forging days, drinks, snacks and a vegetarian lunch with vegan options will be provided and is included in this price.

This amount does not cover the cost of the metal you choose to work with. This can be an amount from £15 upwards depending upon size and type of material. A tubular bell is a substantial material cost and could go as high as £150 if choosing brass. A copper tube will be substantially less.

If you were opting to forge a small bowl or bell the estimated cost of metal would be from £15 – £25 depending upon metal chosen.

We would be sad if the price of participation keeps you from being with us. Please send an email if you wish for a personal agreement.

It will be wonderful to bring energy to the forging community in the UK and we also feel really excited at the prospect of seeing you again!

Workshop Detail and Prices
What is included?

Support in the craft of sound forging over three days of sound vibrational alchemy through daily sound sessions and our personal presence and facilitation for allowing the work of transformation to feel as healing and assisted as possible.  Use of tools and care of space and each other.

We will also be nourished by freshly prepared vegetarian food through lunches, refreshments and drinks.

What is not included?

Materials: The  materials costs will be complete;y based on what you are working with.

We will also have with us additional hand turned wands made by Gabriella from woods local to our home base in Portugal.


Is there accommodation available?

There are some local AirBnB and B&B style options in the neighbouring proximity.

If you are considering coming from further abroad, by plane, bus etc we will do what we can to assist bringing the pieces together if you need support.

bell sunset hand
white rose bush england garden sussex

To Book Your Place

To secure your place we ask for a non-refundable deposit of £100.

Completion of payment can happen at the workshop or by bank transfer in advance. View our cancellation policy.

Please note that this workshop is limited to no more than 12 people.

There is already a good deal of excitememt about these days opening up so we encourage you to let us know as soon as you can so we can reserve your place.

Let us know you’re coming by sending an email to us at


Please make your deposit payment by transfer to

Resounding EarthBIC: TRWIBEB1XXXIBAN: BE94 9670 1409 8914

Please add reference: Forging Days 16-17 September



It will be a joy to share these days of sound alchemy with you!

Resounding Earth