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Opening to Become a Voice for Nature 2

Gabriella’s story part 2

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Opening to Become a Voice for Nature 2
Opening to Become a Voice for Nature 2

Following these weeks of awakening exploration my new friend Shayla invited me to join her on her onward journey to the Orkney isles.

The island of Orkney
Orkney is an archipelago off the northeastern coast of Scotland.
The islands encompass Neolithic sites, tall sandstone cliffs and seal colonies. The ‘Heart of Neolithic Orkney’ is a group of 5000-year-old sites.
I hadn’t left my garden for over a year, so it seemed a real stretch to go away during the growing season, but I agreed to go for a week. The Orkney islands were close to us: only an hour’s drive up to the northeastern tip off the north coast to meet the ferry that takes you on a 90 minute journey across the water further north. In the summer this latitude of 59degrees north means that you get 18 hours of daylight, while in the winter days are very short.
I learnt that Orkney had been the hub of an ancient thriving civilization, whose remnants are found all over the land. The largest stone circle in the UK – the Ring of Brodgar with 60 huge impressive upright stones in a vast circle still transmit the energy of the thriving hub this centre once was.
More standing stones and circles, passage cairns and many other monuments are nearby –still more being discovered now – in a landscape of lochs and hills – wide-ranging views and big skies. We learnt both from Archaeological research and from attunement with the land and the stones that this was a hub that reached the Scandinavia countries – all the northern lands as well as with Europe and all the way to the middle east. Artifacts and symbols that show up later in Egypt have been traced back to Orkney where they appear earlier in history.

These days the land is bare of trees and I wonder whether these islands had also forests, whose trees were used for fires and boat building and cleared for agriculture and sheep the way so many of Scotlands landscape has been denuded of its forests?

Communing with the Stones
Sitting in the Ring of Brodgar for hours at a time communing with the stones, the land and the energies, I received songs, poems, questions and messages.We perceived that each stone was a portal and held space for a pillar of light that was connected to different star systems …. And through the stone’s crystalline structure we could attune with and receive information and energetic transmissions from various more advanced star-cultures that were making their wisdom available to us.
We perceived that each person will only receive and download what they are vibrationally compatible with and receptive to, so imagine a university of stone and light, where you can download and receive whatever you are ready to receive and work with.

Receiving Songs
The songs, messages and energetic downloads I received certainly propelled me into a new phase of my life.

Here One of the songs:

When the shadows fall

When the shadows fall and the twilight spreads,
Are we speaking through the veil,
Will you come with us through the portal of time
To the land of evermore?

As the faces speak through the rocks and stones,
Through the waters and the trees.
Can you hear the songs through the crack of time
From the land of evermore?

At the waters’ edge, where the ethers meet
Stands a solitary standing stone.
Will you follow its call to the end of time
To the land of evermore?

Gabriella Orkney 2000


For more songs and poems received through the stones

Resounding Earth